Fast growing information technology and communication systems have become critical components of almost every company’s strategic plan. Companies which want to take advantage of the new information technologies and communication systems require expert professionals, who can apply computer science principles to solve problems produced by the interface between business and technology. BCA Course is an undergraduate program where students are exposed to various areas of computer applications including the latest developments in the industry.
Games and sports are not only important for success in studio but it is important for success in every walks of our life. Games and sports include all outdoor and indoor games and also athletics. In ancient Greece they formed the principal part of education. In the advanced countries of the present day also they are a regular feature of the school and college curriculum.Games and sports may be of various kinds. Apart from school or college sports, boys and girls may practice races, jumps, discuss throw and javelin throw and thus pass their afternoon in useful activities. They may play various games like football, cricket, hockey, volleyball, basket ball, badminton etc. College Games and sports are annual affairs. Sports are generally held in winter months. Students take part in various games like high and long jumps, pole vault, go-as-you like and different kind of races. These annual sports foster competitive spirit and sportsmanship. It is an important part of a student’s life.Sometimes inter class tournaments are held in relation with football, hockey, cricket, tennis, cycling, volleyball, badminton etc. These games foster team spirit among the participants and make them disciplined. The importance of games and sports can never be minimized.
- First of all, they are good exercises and help to build fine, physique for the boys and girls. They make them mentally alert and physically strong. Further, good health is one of the most important benefit of games and sports.
- Secondly, students learn to cope with difficult situations. By displaying their feats before many spectators, they can overcome their nervousness.
- Thirdly, games and sports are good diversions and give them energy to learn their lessons well.
- Fourthly, It gives the necessary break from the everyday monotonous life.
- Fifthly, games and sports help building a sense of cooperation and team-spirit in an individual. Sports like cricket, football, etc. are won by the collective efforts of all the members of the team.
For these reasons, every civilized nation values the importance of games and sports and spends large sum of money on improving the standard of games and sports among its players and athletes. The standard of games and sports in India is far from satisfactory. So, the Government should take steps to improve this standard. - To achieve a healthier lifestyle while coping with the pressures of studying, one needs to be healthy both emotionally and physically. As a part of this process, our institution emphasizes the importance of sports and considers them as an integral part of the curriculum.
- Outdoor facilities include Athletics (Track and Field ), Badminton, Basktball, Cricket, Football , Hockey, Volleyball .
- Indoor facilities include Chess , Carrom , Table Tennis ,Gymnasium.

The National Cadet Corps is the Indian military cadet corps with its head Quarters at New Delhi. It is open to school and college students on voluntary basis.The National Cadet Corps in India is a voluntary organization which recruits cadets from high schools, colleges and Universities all over India. The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and parades. The officers and cadets have no liability for active military service once they complete their course but are given preference over normal candidates during selections based on the achievements in the corps. Motto of NCC Unity and Discipline (Ekta aur Anushasan) DG’s four Cardinal Principals of Discipline Obey with a smile
1.Be Punctual
2.Work hard and without fuss
3.Make no excuses and tell no lies
Aims of NCC 1.To develop qualities of character, courage, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship and the ideals of selfless service among the youth to make them useful citizen. 2.To create a human resource of organised trained and motivated youth to provide leadership in all walks of life including the Armed Forces and be always available for the service of the nation. Oath
“I do hereby solemnly promise that I will serve my motherland most truly and loyally and that, I will abide by the rules and regulations of the National Cadet Crops. Further under the command and control of my commanding officer I will participate in every camp most sincerely and wholeheartedly”. Pledge We the cadet of the national cadet corps, do solemnly pledge that we shall always uphold the unity of india.We resolve to be disciplined and responsible citizen of our nation.We shall undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness and concern for our fellow beings.
National Service Scheme

At Baba Kuma Singh Ji Group of Institute, special efforts are put in to develop students personality through community services. NSS (National Service Scheme) at BKSJGI is a voluntary association being run by students themselves under guidance from faculty members. One week long NSS camp is organized every year where students undertake various social welfare activities like Blood Donation Camp, Tree Plantation and awareness programs on drug de-addiction, AIDS, Swine-flu and campaign for saving water and cleanliness.